Factory Information Points Now Using Digital Signs

Previously in production facilities we have seen the old notice board when you enter the waiting area and even on the factory floor, these have been used to update employees and customers alike about the company. A lack of branding or worse, cheap-looking branding can cause potential customers to pass you by according to vehicle signage Sydney.

Now it seems that technology is creating a buzz and the notice board is being replaced by digital signage, many organisations who have a manufacturing facility are deciding to replace the old notice board and put up LCD screens, these are then networked on the same data infrastructure that the computers run off. The digital media is added by the marketing department and it can quickly be changed, for example if a visiting dignitary sends someone because they are sick, within 30 seconds the greeting on the reception sign is changed to the new name and it shows the corporation is on the ball.

This is fine in public areas, however when a customer visits and you wish to show them round your facility, this is an ideal opportunity in enforcing your service brand immediately on your customer, as soon as they see the massive displays in the manufacturing areas they will certainly be impressed, it also shows that the business invests in new technology and is ahead of the game.

But there is one problem even commercial screens are not designed to be used in areas were damaging air borne contaminants are, most factories have some form of corrosive element in the air, from acids to dust particles if these get into the rear of the display it is only a matter of time until the screen fails.

The solution – is to put the screen in a ruggedized LCD case, these provide IP65 protection, so they can even be washed down with high pressure water jets, perfect for any food manufacturing company. These can either be cooled or heated to provide the perfect environment. The LCD enclosure are fitted with a sophisticated cooling system that also incorporates a filtration element, that filters all tiny air borne particles out, so the air entering the unit is fresh, cool air. Then the screen inside the protective case can be mounted to gantries or ceiling mounting using a heavy duty fixings. Click here for some point in digital signs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3944458