The Importance of Properly Masking a Car For Primer

The repair areas has been repaired and finish sanded with 150 grit sandpaper, feathered edged and the panel prepped for primer. Now it is time to get some primer on the repair area. This article is going to discuss how to prevent primer from damaging the areas that you do not want primer to get on. We offer the best Sydney car paint protection and clear wrap protection service & we will ensure your vehicle appears beautiful on the exterior in Sydney.

Take Time To Save Time The purpose of masking is to prevent primer over spray from getting on the areas it is not attended to be. With the types of primers used today, it is necessary to take all measures to ensure over spray does not get onto the unintended surfaces. First, the two-part epoxy and urethane primers are very difficult to remove. Back when we used to use lacquer primer, all of the over spray could be cleaned with a little it of thinner on a rag. However, today’s catalyzed primers do not wipe off. Once the primer is dried on the surface, you can rub with thinner all day long without getting it all of the way off. The second reason is that these primers carry a long distance. Again, with the old lacquer primer, if it traveled more than 12″ it would be dust by the time it landed on the surface. However, the primers of today can travel the full length of the vehicle and still stick to the painted surface, glass, moldings, etc. With this said, more care should be taken to properly mask a vehicle for primer. The extra time spent properly masking a repair area for primer will save you a lot of time rubbing, sanding and buffing to remove unnecessary overspray.

No More No Less You need to be certain to primer everything that needs to be primed. That is any metal, filler, or scratches made by the 150 grit sanding. However, there is no need to prime anything else. For example, if you have a 6″ diameter repair area, there is not need to primer entire or even half of the panel. This is something that I have noticed some students tend to do. You only need to prime the repaired area. The spray will slightly exceed the repair area, but try to keep it as small as possible. Another thing to remember is to keep primer out of areas that is does not need to be. For example, molding edges and jambs. There is nothing sloppier than to open a car door after it has been completed and see primer overspray. Or see primer on the edge of a molding. The reason this happens is because many time when masking for primer, the person masking thinks, well, this is just for priming and rushes through the masking process. Then when masking to paint, more care and attention to detail is taken. You may not have paint on the unwanted areas, but you have primer, which looks even worse than the paint would have. So be certain to take as much pride to mask the vehicle for priming as you do for getting it ready for paint.

When masking off jambs, mask to the edge of the panel. There is no need to allow any primer into the jamb area. Therefore the edge of your tape should be at the edge of the panel to prevent over spray from getting into the jamb area. Now when we mask for painting, we will mask back from the edge slightly to allow a little overspray to spray onto the jamb. This eliminates noticeable lines, but for now, mask right on the edge of the panel.

Nothing Hard About It The only hard edges you should have when priming is the jamb edges. You should try to avoid all other edges if possible. Hard edges are a define no no. Let’s take the same 6″ inch diameter repair area and mask a 8″ inch square around it. You only get primer where you want it, but now you have hard edges to feather edge out. Let’s look at another approach to mask the 6″ repair area. Mask all adjacent panels and anything near the repair area that you do not want primer on. Then you can go out 12″ and back mask if needed. Back masking is the process of masking something and flipping the paper over creating a smoother edge. When correct, the paper will now have the bottom side of the paper facing up. For instance, if the top of the paper is blue and the bottom of the paper is white, now the white will be showing. Now that we have it back masked, we still do not need to spray primer all of the way to the paper. Try to avoid that is possible. Ideally, try not to have any edges at all. The overspray makes an easy area to sand with as little effort as possible.

If In Doubt…Cover It Over spray is something that you do not want to get on the unwanted surfaces. So must the entire car be cover? The answer is, if in doubt cover it. It only takes a few minutes to unroll plastic and cover the car. If we take the 6″ inch diameter repair area and mask around in using 18″ inch paper and set the gun spray gun using low pressure, you may be alright. However, just a little over spray can cause you hours of cleanup and grief. This is something that you need to get a feel for, but if in doubt, bag the car with plastic. If you’re priming the entire panel, be certain to cover the entire car with plastic. A little time spent in the front end will save a lot of time in the back end.

Tell Tell Signs Masking is perceived by amateurs as being unskilled and unimportant. However, I think you will agree that best best looking paint job can look horrible if you see paint and/or primer on moldings or in jambs. The idea is to make invisible repairs. Improper masking is the easiest and fastest way to determine that a vehicle has been painted.

These tasks are hard to put in writing, but only take a minute to demonstrate so be sure to check out the free training videos. Learn more at the car paint jobs.

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Car Shopping Tricks To Make You Fearless

Most people will have the car-buying experience as a car at some point in their life. Although it can be fun to shop for a car, this huge financial decision can be very frightening if you don’t have sufficient knowledge on the matter. This article has tips to help with the car buying process. You probably wonder how good car paint protection Brisbane in replacing your paint? Trust them they can handle it.

Never let salespeople talk you into a model that is beyond your price range. Many people get hoodwinked into buying a sports car because the salesman says they would look good in it. Remember that salespeople are motivated by the salesman wants his commission!

Know what kind of truck or car you want before stepping foot into a dealership. Research online to see what is best for your budget and family needs. This also lets you know how much you should really be paying for the car you’d like to buy.

Test the merchandise before you purchase.

When purchasing a new car, try keeping the fuel economy in mind. You may feel the need to buy a big V-8 that can tow things.

Call your bank to see if you can get the financing ahead of your purchase. This ensures that you qualify for your security. Usually the finance department at the dealership can find you a better rate than your bank, but it can help if you find what interest rate you’re looking at prior to shopping.

You should always test drive any car you are interested in buying. Even if you are sure that you want a particular make and model, still take it out for a test drive. There is no substitute for the feeling of driving the car.You may find that the ride than expected or is just not as smooth as you had expected.

Try renting a better feel for the vehicle. This will give you a good idea of what it is like to drive. Go on a long road trip in that car with your family to decide if it fits you well. This can help you familiarize yourself with a vehicle before buying one.

You should know just how much you can afford. You should establish a comfortable car payments and your insurance. You might need to search for a loan shopping prior to car shopping.

Be careful about giving out a social security digits. Some dealers will ask for this information so they can ruin your credit. Do not give out your identification information until after you are seriously considering purchasing a vehicle.

Ask if the car can have an independent mechanic do an inspection. The mechanic should be fairly trustworthy. Don’t use a mechanic that the dealer suggests. A good mechanic will let you determine whether or not the car is in.

Do not talk about your trade-in. Wait to discuss your trade-in vehicle until after you have negotiated the sales price of your new vehicle.

Always read before you put down your contracts! Read the contract before agreeing to anything. The documents are legally binding contracts once it is signed.You can even ask to take the contract home with you to read it.If you can’t, there is more than likely some hidden clause they do not want you to find out about.

Do not buy used cars without doing some research. The Internet has many sources that can inform you of a car. You can utilize NADA or Kelly Blue Book to figure out a car’s worth. If there is a dealer selling cars at too high of a price, then go elsewhere.

The seller is trying to maximize their profits. It seems obvious, but some people don’t really get what’s going on when dealing with salespeople. Be on the lookout for any extra costs that could be added onto a closing sale. Even bargain cars can become pricey if saddled down by hundreds or thousands.

Fuel economy is an important factor when shopping for a new car. A car with better fuel economy may cost a little more in the beginning, but it will save you more money over the years. Think about the long-term when buying a vehicle.

Check online car prices within your city as well as in nearby cities. Researching price trends online can help you figure out where to get the lowest price.

Learn about how the service department works at those dealers you are planning on visiting. Ask people you know to see what current customers think of the service. Call their department and ask for assistance on something that you already know so that you can test them. Select a dealership with smart sales and caring.

Be sure you’ve discovered rebates before you go. Lots of car dealers offer on-site rebates.

Find out which fees are included in the price. Different cars can have different fuel efficiencies, fuel economy, resale values, and resale value. Look into part costs, specialty oil change requirements, and part costs before making a purchase. These hidden costs can tremendously impact the total cost of a car.

If you are buying a car and think your credit rate is right for bank financing, do it! The bank will make you pay a lot less compared to those people.

Getting a new vehicle certainly has upsides, but it can be really stressful too. The good news is that by spending some time studying the options ahead of time, shopping for a vehicle can actually be an enjoyable time in which every member of the family can take an active role. This article should have given you enough advice to buy a new vehicle.

Car Wash Equipment and System Strategies

With recent trends in the economy, many car wash equipment owners are focusing their efforts on cost effective ways to bring in new customers and keep existing ones. There are several different strategies that can be used when marketing or promoting a car wash business. Most owners are familiar with banners, signs, and advertising in the newspaper. But community involvement, customer appreciation, and face-to-face product education are also great ways to market. Car wash products are able to protect your car if you follow directions on how to use it properly.

Banners are a cost effective way to get a new message across. For example, as an owner it is your responsibility to promote the addition of a high-end wax to an in-bay automatic or triple-foam polish to the self-service bays. A 3′ x 8′ vinyl banner can cost as little as $150. Depending on the complexity of the company logo and additional graphics this cost can escalate. Sticking with something simple – for example, “Try Our New Triple-Foam Polish” – and using a three or four color scheme will cost approximately $200 per banner.

How is a banner going to increase business? A banner’s message draws attention and generates consumer interest, particularly when potential new customers pass by. If the current location they support does not have the function highlighted on the banner they will be intrigued to try it out. Positioning the banner properly is critical. Having as many potential customers that pass by view the new banner as possible is the goal.

Existing customers like to have the proper bay signage to both instruct and market the service selections. Self-service car washes should have the following signs posted in each bay.

1. The primary signage should be the instruction menus. The menu should have short descriptions of products available and how the products should be applied.

2. Secondary signs should highlight any new equipment that have been added, such as an in-bay dryer, triple-foam polish, and tire dressing. Based on the number of functions, instruction menus will range in cost from $50 to $125 per bay. Secondary signs such as triple-foam polish and tire dressing will range from $20 to $35 per sign. Keep in mind that overuse of signage in your bays can be confusing to customers.

It can be overwhelming to a customer when pulling into a bay to see the whole wall covered with different signs. Additionally, customers may not be able to recognize any changes or new products. When installing new marketing or instruction signs, evaluate the existing signs; determine the importance of each, and whether any of them could be removed. Remember, the goal is to market and promote the new functions and/or changes.

In-bay automatics have a few areas of opportunity. The appropriate use of banners, menu boards, and windmaster signs can help increase a wash’s volume and average ticket price. As in the case with self-service washes, anytime you add a feature such as an all-season protect-ant, wheel cleaner, or triple-foam polish make sure to create and hang banners to make customers aware of the change. Again, make sure to place the banners in a location visible to customers passing-by.

Defining your car wash packages presents another opportunity. A menu board will help customers understand the differences between each package. If the customer does not know what the benefit of the higher-end package is, he or she will not be willing to pay for it. When the customer pulls up to an auto cashier and views this menu (below left), what information is available to make the proper choice? Looking at the next menu (below right), one can see that each wash package is clearly defined.

Customers can see what the top package has to offer enabling them to make a more informed choice. This not only promotes a higher average ticket but also repeat business. Customers get what they expect and don’t leave the wash feeling mislead.

Ideally, this menu should be attached to or printed as a decal for your auto cashier. Other options include printing out the menu as an insert for a driveway windmaster sign holder or wall-mount unit. Select the option that keeps the menu in the closest visual range to the auto cashier and customer.

Over the past few years, the self-service industry has seen many upgrades specifically to the appearance and function of car wash meter boxes. Standard eight-function meter boxes are being replaced with 10 and even 12 functions. The upgraded boxes have credit card readers, bill acceptors, and fleet-card systems. Considering the magnitude of these equipment changes, does the customer really know how to use them properly? More importantly, do they understand their benefits? As an owner, what can be done to market and promote the changes?

Many owners spend countless dollars to upgrade the equipment in their facility but fall short on face-to-face customer education. If customers do not understand the changes, they will be less likely to try them out. Even with the proper instruction signs, a small portion of customers will shy away from new products. This is a great opportunity to both educate and develop personal relationships with customers.

It may sound a little old fashioned, but time spent at your wash educating customers on product benefits and proper use is priceless. For example, a car wash owner spends money to upgrade his bay package to include in-bay dryer systems. He installs the units, hangs the provided instruction signs, and months later is upset because he is not seeing the increased profits as advertised. Where did he go wrong? Again, do not underestimate the benefit of going into a bay and dropping a few quarters into the meter box to demonstrate the proper use and function of a new product. Time spent physically educating your customers is time spent building future equity. Don’t forget, as a self-service owner, the goal is to sell time to customers. The more functions they use during each visit, the more time in the bay – hence, increased revenue.

With in-bay automatics, the task is a little more difficult. It never hurts, though, to help customers evaluate their selection while they are waiting in line. Offer a free upgrade to the next or best package available. Make sure to point out the differences between the packages and why they get more value out of the top package. With the current state of the economy customers are going to be more interested in the upkeep of their vehicles. Explaining how the higher-end wash packages help preserve the car’s finish is a must.

Another simple way to promote your wash is to have a customer appreciation event. This yearly event should be centered on thanking regular customers while trying to draw in new clients. Typically, events are held over the weekend and give customers discounted wash rates. Make sure to supply refreshments such as soda pop, popcorn, and hot dogs. Don’t over-complicate the event; just keep it simple and focus on face time with customers and showing them your appreciation.

Many car wash owners overlook being involved with their local communities. Involvement with Rotary or local kids’ groups can help to promote your wash through association. Committed long-term customers are typically involved in local fundraising groups. Associating with these groups can help drive up regular business. People are willing to help those who are giving back to the community. Volunteering one’s wash for a local fundraiser is a diamond in the rough. Short term, it may set back the wash a few dollars for chemicals and utility costs. Long term, the fundraiser will draw in new clients who may not have tried the wash under regular circumstances. Secondly, you are supporting a good cause and helping out the community. With economic times being as tough as they are, reaching out to your community will go a long way toward increasing business and building a loyal customer base.

The marketing of a self-service, in-bay automatic wash will continue to evolve as new car wash equipment, parts, systems and services are introduced and new promotional techniques emerge. In this article we have but scratched the surface of this wide-ranging and heavily discussed topic. At the end of the day, any opportunity taken or effort put towards promoting and marketing your wash is a good investment.

Trent Walter – General Manager
National Pride Car Wash Equipment – Ashland, Ohio
Car Wash Equipment, Systems and Parts
(800) 537-6788

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